the journey
This is raw, emotional and poignant theatre, and the images and language stay with you long after you have left the theatre
Photo: Vincenzo Albano
‘badac are one of British theatre’s best kept secrets’ Battersea Arts Centre
The Journey
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The Journey is badac’s most…
recent project. It focused on the experiences of refugees and specifically on a family forced to flee their home due to effects of war. The decision to explore the subject matter came after a conversation between Steve Lambert and a friend whose family had experienced escaping their home due to war and persecution. After hearing of the break up and scattering of this one family it seemed only right that the company should attempt to research and create a project focusing on the plight of refugees.
I loved my life. Remember that. When you write. When you process. When you judge. I loved my life. Remember that - Mother
To research the piece company members visited and stayed in camps in the Lebanon and on the Syrian border to learn of the desperate measures people are being forced to endure as they strive to survive. In the UK the company interviewed and worked with refugees, including, individuals, families, communities and support organisations, to gather information and experiences, along with drawing on the knowledge of the poet Ghazi Hussain, a former refugee now based in Edinburgh. Company members also read extensive testimonies from refugees along with watching numerous documentaries, including, the stunning ‘Cries From Syria’ and ‘Fire at Sea’.
I am a child. A child. But I have seen it. The brutality. The slaughter. The despair. I have seen it - Girl
Central characters in the play are a displaced mother and her two children. The piece follows them from their normal everyday life into an abyss of war, violence, torture, starvation and homelessness. We watch as they struggle to hold darkness and despair at bay during a punishing trek from their devastated homeland to a destination of perceived safety and security.
Destroyed. In my body. In my head. In my heart. Destroyed. Remember that. When you judge me. Remember that - Boy
We also gain an insight into the reception they receive as they are questioned by immigration officials within a refugee camp. Performed in the round with minimal lighting and set, the piece aims to give a small insight into the horror, distrust and helplessness that refugees can face when seeking safety.
If this room is on fire. You move to another room. If this building is on fire. You move to another building. If your country is on fire. You move to another country. You have to. You have to - Mother
The project successfully toured across the UK in 2018/19, including visits to Norwich Arts Centre, Colchester Arts Centre, West End Centre Aldershot and Draper Hall Southwark, and the company will be looking to re-tour in the near future. If you are interested in booking the piece or would like more information then please mail Steve Lambert via our company contact page.
Original Touring Cast:
Maria Alexe. Rebecca Wilson. Bogdan Silaghi. Salah EL Nagar. Sayed Habib Sadat. Steve Lambert
Writer/Director - Steve Lambert
a hugely rewarding theatrical experience. Badac have once again given us a landmark production